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  National Drivers List 


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Updated 10/12/99   Drivers:  113

NO. Last Name First Name Hometown State Chassis
4 Dalley Ron Newark Ohio
87 Dalton Gary Morgantown WVa Rocket
Dalton Jeremy
D2 Dalton Nolan Morgantown WVa Rocket
77 Daniels Joey
3C Daniels Kurt
Daniels Tim
D'Antonio Butch
Danzelson Scott
42 Darbyshire Tom Morning Sun Iowa
Dariage Mike
64 Dauber Ryan Tonica ILL
Daugherty Sherwin
51 Davenport Tait Paducah Ky
40 Davies Dutch Warren PA Warrior
V2 Davies Ron Warren PA Rocket
17 Davis Bill Dubois PA
I-1 Davis Brett Bloomington Ind Rayburn
11 Davis David Cleveland Tn
25 Davis Ernie Martinsburg PA
28 Davis Gerald Delray WVa
Davis L.T. Quitman Ark
24 Davis Lee Greenwood La
Davis Nathan
Davis Paul
Davis Phillip
44 Davis Rick Indiana PA
Davis Tim
67 Dawson Rick Austintown Ohio Rocket
24td Day Tim Alpheretta Ga
16 Dean James
Dean Phil
D1 Deason Dion Clermont Ind Rayburn
93 Deaver Billy
4 Deaver Kenny
2 Decker Keith Summerst Ky
43 Decker Tom Jr. Bellwood PA
33 Dedwylder Scott Quitman Miss GRT
15 Deem Gary Duncansville PA
05 Deese Roy Odenton Md Rocket
99 Defrance Darrell Marshalltown Iowa
13D DeHaven Jonathan Winchester Va
92 Deitz Bobby Kirksey Ky GRT
34 Delaney George
3 Delong Rick Whitehouse Ohio
Deneen Darras
Denis Al
22 Denton Kevin Prince Frederick Md MasterSbilt
Dersche Bryan
20 Devaney Tommy Oliver Springs Tn Stinger
Devoll Paul
Dexter Darrell
Diamant Shane
Dickinson Ken
60 Dickson Gary Flinstone Ga
17 Dickson Ken Mcveytown PA
18 Dickson Rodney Fayetteville Ga Warrior
RC1 Dietrich Craig
12 Dill Andy
11 Dillard John
06 Dillman Bubby Berryville Va
Dillow Ken
6 Dimming Bill Lewistown PA
50 Dixon Ed Washington Mo Rayburn
11 Doar Pat New Richmond Wisc MasterSbilt
Dobson Doug
Dobson Greg
12 Dodd Doug Cambridge Ohio Rocket
Dolan Ryan GRT
01 Dolhun T.J Hales Corner Wisc
Dolhun Ted
Dolohite Vic
Dominacki Bob Bettendorf Iowa GRT
Donaldsen Ron
Dondero Don
Doner Marty
05 Donnell Trevor Waterford PA
Dorsey Darrin
92 Dorsey Harold Baltimore Md Bullitt
Doss Barry
9 Dougherty Skip Freeport PA MasterSbilt
Doughty Dave
52 Douglas Mark Stinger
Douglas Scott
Dowdy Butch South Shore Ky
9 Drake Billy Bloomington ILL MasterSbilt
Drake Rick
12D Drake Scott Webb City Mo
Y105 Dreibeblis Gary Ashland Ohio
Dressler Daryl
Drury Ed
Duckworth Dale
37 Duggan Dan Lenoir City Tn GRT
15 Duggan Patrick Lenoir City Tn Stinger
8 Duhaway Bryan
17 Duncan Charlie Millersburg Ohio
8 Duncan Dennis
24 Dunham Dan Scio Ny
17 Dunn Edd Beaver PA
27 Dunn Mickey Fayetteville Ga
16 Dunn Randy Fayetteville Ga
Dunn Robert Centerville Ark
30D Dunnewold Moose Corry PA
Dupont Chad
77 Durand Mike Hartsele Ala
Durbin Jim Rayburn
24 Durboraw Nathan Hagerstown Md Rocket
14 Durham Jason Chattanooga Tn
98 Durham Mid
80 Durig Bryan Warren Ohio MasterSbilt
85 Dustin Robin Newark Ohio
F1 Duvall Mike Cowpens SC GRT
Dyche Mike