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STARSBRET EMRICK 1999 STARS AWARDS BANQUET SET FOR NOV. 19!!! Apple Creek,OH 9-28-99 The STARS National DirtCar Racing League will wrap up the 1999 racing season with the annual Awards Banquet scheduled for Friday, November 19 at the Hyatt Regency-Indianapolis in downtown Indianapolis,IN. The dinner and awards ceremony will begin at 6:30 pm with a cocktail hour followed by dinner at 7:30 pm with the awards ceremony beginning at 8:30 pm. A dinner choice of either Chicken Oscar or Roast Prime Rib of Beef will be offered. A cash bar will also be available throughout the evening. Ticket cost for the awards banquet is $40.00 per person with R.S.V.P.'s to be returned to the STARS office no later than November 5. No tickets will be sold at the door. Person's attending the awards ceremony are reminded that formal dress (dress suits or jacket and tie) are highly recommended. Invitations to the annual awards banquet have been mailed. Anyone not receiving an invitation that would like to attend should call the STARS office at (330) 682-3053 during normal business hours or send an e-mail to STARS@bright.net. 1999 STARS National DirtCar Racing League champion Donnie Moran of Dresden,OH along with the other Top 10 points drivers will be honored during the awards ceremony. Other awards to be handed out include the 1999 STARS "Rookie of the Year", 1999 PRO SHOCKS "B" Main Points champion and runner-up awards, 1999 STARS "Crew Chief and Crew of the Year", 1999 DESIGN 500 Perseverance Award, 1999 STARS "Hard Charger of the Year", 1999 STARS "Chassis Builder of the Year" and 1999 STARS "Engine Builder of the Year". Several contingency awards will also be distributed during the ceremony.