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SOUTHEAST MOTORSPORTS ESTABLISHES REGIONAL DIRT RACING SERIES October 1, 1999 Callahan, FL (Speedwire) -- SOUTHEAST MOTORSPORTS SET TO PROVIDE RACE FANS AND PARTICIPANTS WITH QUALITY DIRT LATE MODEL ENTERTAINMENT In an announcement released by Southeast Motorsports President Timmy Carter, a regional Dirt Late Model racing series for the Florida / Georgia regional area has been established for the 2000 racing season. Reasons behind initiating the move to create the series were the fragmented car counts and rules surrounding area Dirt Late Model racing and the lack of a true regional Dirt Late Model feeder system. The Southeast Motorsports Dirt Racing Series will allow the teams to standardize their operations in order to have the opportunity to build effectively toward the next level in Dirt Late Model racing. "It all comes down to providing a quality racing program for both the competitors and fans with good car counts and great racing action." said Timmy, "Currently the area rules pull racers farther away from the uniformity of actual Dirt Late Model racing, which separates the car counts and lowers the attendance at the events while demanding that the competitors invest in equipment that limits the amount and type of programs they can participate in. The Southeast Motorsports Dirt Late Model Series will re-establish the true Dirt Late Model program." The Southeast Motorsports Dirt Late Model Tour 2000 schedule consists of twelve single-day programs at tracks throughout the Florida and Georgia regional area with the first event being scheduled for mid January. Events are scheduled on a monthly basis thereafter with geographic growth and schedule expansion dependent upon demand. Southeast Motorsports will hold an open house gathering in mid November to officially introduce the series. Within the meeting special guest speakers will be presented as well as the introduction of key series personnel with a question - answer session completing the program. Southeast Motorsports is a respected multi faceted motorsports organization in the North Florida, South Georgia regional area with multiple Dirt Late Model championships to their own credit. Southeast Motorsports is also responsible for some of the regional area's most memorable motorsports events to date. "The main thing I have seen throughout the area, again is the lack of uniformity for the competitors in the rules and officiating" states Timmy Carter, "This series will help the competitors gain a consistency and long term direction in their motorsports program. " Promotional coverage for the series are expected to set a new standard in area event promotion. Extensive media programs are already in place to cover every aspect of each event including on site as well as full media outlet distribution programs. Additional information concerning The Southeast Motorsports Dirt Racing Series or sponsorship opportunities can be obtained through the Southeast Motorsports regional offices at 904-879-9346.
Wayne Castleberry THESPEEDZONE.COM |