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Home Tracks Sanctions Drivers News & Stories Pictures Links Guestbook Contact Us HagerstownSEPTEMBER 4th, 1999 TROPICAL STORM DENNIS KNOCKS OUT MCBEE MEMORIAL FINAL POINT RACES RESCHEDULED TO SEPTEMBER 19TH
HAGERSTOWN, MD - Tropical Storm Dennis, which has pounded the east coast the past week was also a menace to the Hagerstown Speedway Saturday night. A heavy rain with forecast of more rain throughout the night forced Promoter Frank Plessinger to postpone the six-feature Ewing Oil Ronnie McBee Memorial program. Since the McBee Memorial was to be the final point races of the season for all four divisions, some minor changes has been made to the schedule. The final point races have been rescheduled to Sunday afternoon, September 19th at 1 P.M. The Richard "Boney" Bonebrake Memorial will now be the final point race of the season for the late models. The 40-lap Memorial will carry double points and an increased purse. The late model sportsman and pure stocks will have two feature events, their regular features plus the double point summer championships postponed from August 13th. The Ernie's Salvage Yard 4-cyl pure stocks will round out the program with their final 10-lap point race of the year. "SPEEDO" the Clown has been added to the Bonebrake Memorial. SPEEDO will be on hand to entertain race fans young and old throughout Sundays's program. The Ronnie McBee Memorial will now be held on Sunday afternoon, October 3rd as part of the double header program with the Silver Spring Super Sportsman. The 44-lap Memorial will be a non-point event, but will carry the same purse with $2,500-to-win. The Super Sportsman will be in action with a 35-lap event. Next Sunday's program, September 12th, will remain the same. It will be Pangborn Family Day and also Moose Day at the races. The pure stocks will have the Jimmy Cornett Memorial, their biggest race of the year and the 4-cyl pure stocks will have the Ernie's Salvage 25, their longest and highest paying event. Also on the schedule will be the late models and late model sportsman. All races will be non-point events. If that isn't enough action, there will be a 50-lap Fall Championship Enduro and the Tommy Thompson Memorial Demolition Derby. Race time is 1 P.M. with gates opening at 11 A.M. For additional information call (301) 582-0640. Also checkout the Hagerstown Speedway on the Internet at www.hagerstownspeedway.com. The Hagerstown Speedway is located on U.S. Route 40, six miles west of Hagerstown, MD off the Huyett exits of I-70 an I-81. -30- |