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Home Tracks Sanctions Drivers News & Stories Pictures Links Guestbook Contact Us HIDDEN VALLEY SPEEDWAY
CLEARFIELD, PA- For the second time in 1999 Mother Nature has wiped out the racing program at Hidden Valley Speedway. This time around Mother Nature hit with a vengeful force, packing high winds and posing the threat of tornadoes! Luckily there were no twisters, but the heavy down pour obviously canceled the program, which included the return of the super stocks! With this rain out, Hidden Valley will sit idle until August 14th! There will be no racing this Saturday, August 7th, due to the 139th Clearfield County Fair. When the racing does return on the 14th the super stocks will again be in action, to attempt their return to the track! Some old favorites returned along with some new faces, old favorites such as Tim Mullen, Rich Howell, Denny Weisgarber, Shawn McGarvey, and Bill Layfield, and the new faces, like Mike Shoemaker, Jim Parsons, Jr., Tub Shaw, and Ed Conner. They will be back, along with many more on the 14th. The program on the 14th will include: The Budweiser Late Models, Sid’s Subs Small Block Modifieds, Weisgarber Auto Sales Street Stocks, Keystone Computer Four Cylinders, and NAPA Pure Stocks in regular action, plus the super stocks. Hidden Valley Speedway announced late last week the first ever visit by the KARS Sprints. The KARS Sprints will make the first ever visit to Clearfield County, and the first time in Hidden Valley’s 8 year history the winged worriers have raced on "The Bull Ring!" The event will also mark the first time in over 25 years that sprint car have raced in Clearfield County! Joining the KARS Sprints on the schedule on August 21st will be the Small Block Modifieds, Street Stocks, Four Cylinders, and Pure Stocks. Racing will begin at 7 PM with gates opening at 5 PM. This should make for an interesting event. Remember, No racing on August 7th, but on the 14th the Super stocks return, along with the regular five divisions! Race time is 7 PM! We hope to see you at "The Wildest Show, On Dirt!" |