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DOG HOLLOW SPEEDWAY RD #1 Box 165 Fax (814) 672-5598 Irvona, PA 16656 e mail terryw@nrc.net Phone (814) 672-3077
STRONGSTOWN, PA- Dog Hollow Speedway has suffered another rain out. This is the fifth time Mother Nature has rained on DHS this season. Track officials tried to get the track back in racing shape, but could not, and the national weather service was calling for showers all night, so, the show was postponed. With this rain out the pure stock special and bus races along with the regular show for the Late models, and Super stocks and now a street stock special will take place this Saturday, at 6 PM. The pure stocks will be going for $250 and $50 to start, while the street stocks are going after $700 to win and $75 to start. The Month of Specials will continue until October 30th. On the 23rd the super stocks will run their special paying $1000 to win and $100 to start. Then the only show this month to carry a rain date, the season ending Late Model Special. This race will pay $2000 to win and $200 to start. The October 30th rain date is the following day, October 31st. All races start at 6 PM with pit gates opening at 3 and main gates opening at 4. On the Sunday show, pit gates will open at 2 main gates at 3 and racing at 5, and this is only for the October 31st rain date. |